Glad You're Here.
If we were meeting in person right now, I would have already offered you a Moutain Dew.
I grew up with a cornfield out the back window and a feedlot out the front. Today, I'm the sixth generation working on my family's farm in the gentle rolling hills of the northeast corner of Nebraska. We raise cattle, crops, and chickens.
Every fiber of my being revolves around our land and livestock. I'm lucky enough to have a whole library of family history that is very detailed, and that's why I picked up a camera. I've made it my goal to continue that family tradition of documentation.
Treasured Memories
I picked up a camera because I saw all these images taken by my family many years ago. Over time, I found myself continuing the farm documentation to preserve our legacy for future generations. That's how I found I have a knack for it.
The photos I value the most when looking through old albums are the ones of my family working together. I want to continue this tradition of capturing these for my family and help other families, too.
Here are some of the photos I cherish from my family's photo albums and some recent ones that I've captured and hope future generations cherish just as much.